1.10.0 - Allocations go faster!

This is the 1.10.0 release of Agones.

This release fixes critical performance bugs in the gRPC Allocation endpoint, as well as fixing a memory leak inherited from client-go. Therefore, we recommend upgrading your install of Agones as soon as possible.

Check the README for details on features, installation and usage.

Breaking changes:

Security fixes:

Implemented enhancements:

  • Adding allocator log level #1879
  • Adding allocator resources #1873
  • Add troubleshooting section to allocator and multicluster allocation #1866
  • Helm setting the annotation of controller and allocator #1848
  • Change the multi-cluster allocation feature to stable version #1780
  • Updated C# documentation to use NuGet package #1769
  • Documented assumed prerequisite knowledge for the project #1759
  • Multicluster: Add gRPC dial timeout #1700
  • Add new projects to Third Party section of the site #1882 (danieloliveira079)
  • Add log level setting in allocator #1880 (8398a7)
  • Add troubleshooting for allocation gRPC request #1878 (pooneh-m)
  • Add allocator resources #1874 (8398a7)
  • [Unreal SDK] Added a response code check to some functions #1870 (dotcom)
  • Built tools: Update install with Allocation certs #1869 (markmandel)
  • Add gRPC load test for allocation service #1867 (ilkercelikyilmaz)
  • Add pod annotations #1849 (8398a7)
  • Useful Unreal links #1846 (domgreen)
  • Make the force_update option configurable in Helm/Terraform #1844 (comerford)
  • [Doc] Mark multicluster allocation feature as stable #1843 (pooneh-m)
  • Docs: Prerequisite Knowledge section #1821 (markmandel)
  • adding timeout to remote cluster allocate call and adding total timeout to allocate #1815 (kdima)
  • Docs: Update C# SDK docs page #1796 (Reousa)

See CHANGELOG for more details on changes.

Images available with this release:

Helm chart available with this release:

Make sure to add our stable helm repository using helm repo add agones https://agones.dev/chart/stable

Last modified July 23, 2024: Graduate Passthrough Port Policy to Beta on Autopilot (#3916) (205e87e)