GameServer Counters and Lists

Track, allocate and auto-scale based on user defined counters and lists stored on a GameServer.

Counters and Lists is provided as a way to track arbitrary integer counter values as well as lists of values against a GameServer by a user provided key.

Combined with the ability to set and manipulate max capacity values at runtime for each counter and list, allows Agones to also provide Allocation, Fleet scheduling and Fleet autoscaling based on this functionality, such that it supports a wide variety of use cases, including, but not limited to:

  • Connected player listing tracking, Allocation filtering and autoscaling based on available capacity.
  • Multi-tenant server room counting, Allocation filtering and autoscaling based on available capacity.
  • Game specific GameServer weighting on Allocation.
  • …any other use case that requires a list of values or a counter aligned with a GameServer for tracking purposes.


All keys for either Counters and Lists must be declared at creation time within the GameServerSpec before being utilised, and keys cannot be added or deleted from GameServers past their initial creation.

For example, if we want to use a Counter of rooms to track the number of game session rooms that exist in this GameServer instance, while also tracking a List of currently connected players, we could implement the following:

kind: Fleet
  name: simple-game-server
  replicas: 2
        - name: default
          containerPort: 7654
        rooms: # room counter
          count: 0
          capacity: 10
        players: # players list
          values: []
            - name: simple-game-server

Both Counters and Lists can have a capacity value, which indicated the maximum counter value, or number of items that can be stored in the list.

In the above example, the room Counter has a capacity of 10, which means that the count cannot go past that value.

See the GameServer reference for all configurable options.


We now have several ways to retrieve this Counter and List information from a GameServer, depending on your use case.

Kubernetes API

If you wish to retrieve or view current Counter or List values from outside your GameServer, you are able to do this through the Kubernetes API, or similarly through kubectl.

Counter values and capacities for are stored on a GameServer resource instance under GameServer.Status.Counters by key, and GameServer.Status.Lists stores List value arrays and capacities by key as well.

Therefore, in the above examples, the GameServer.Status.Counters[rooms].Count and GameServer.Status.Counters[rooms].Capacity would have the current Counter value and capacity for the room counters.

Subsequently GameServer.Status.Lists[players].Values stores the array of values for the list and GameServer.Status.Lists[players].Capacity is the current capacity for the player tracking List.

Check the API reference for GameServerStatus for all the details on the data structure.


Counter and Lists values can be accessed through the Agones SDK when that information is required within your game server process.

For example, to retrieve the above room counter, each language SDK has some implementation of the SDK.Beta().GetCounterCount("room") function that returns the current value of the counter. Similarly, to retrieve the players list, we can use the SDK.Beta().GetListValues("players") function.

The special ability of the SDK retrieval operations, is that is also tracks any modifications that have been made through the SDK, that have yet to be persisted to the GameServer, and will return values with that data included.

This means that any modifications made to Counters and Lists sent through the SDK can be immediately and atomically retrieved from the SDK from the game server binary with accurate information without having to wait for it be persisted to the GameServer.

See the SDK Guide for the full set of data retrieval functions that are available.


We also have several ways to manipulate the Counter and List information stored on a GameServer instance, depending on your use case.


Counter and Lists values can be modified through the Agones SDK when you wish to be able to edit that information within your game server process.

For example, to increment the above room counter by 1, each language SDK has some implementation of the SDK.Beta().IncrementCounter("room", 1) function thatincrements the counter by 1. Similarly, to add the value player1 to the players list, we can use the SDK.Beta().AppendListValue("players", "player1") function.

See the SDK Guide for the full set of modification functions that are available.


When performing a GameServer allocation, you may want to manipulate the Counter and/or List information atomically on a GameServer allocation operation.

For example, you may wish to increment the room counter to indicate a new game session has started on the returned GameServer instance, or provide the connecting player information to the player list to make that available to the game server binary before the player connects.

This can be done through GameServerAllocation.Spec.Counters and GameServerAllocation.Spec.Lists, which provide CounterAction and ListAction configuration respectively.

For example, if on allocation we wished to increment the room counter by 1 and add player1 to the players list, this could be done with the following GameServerAllocation specification:

kind: GameServerAllocation
    - matchLabels: simple-game-server
      action: Increment
      amount: 1
        - player1

Counter and List changes made through the GameServerAllocation functionality, will be eventually consistent in their availability via the SDK retrieval functions for performance reasons.

Performing these data changes as part of the Allocation also does not guarantee that the counter or list is past its capacity value. In the event that the capacity is exceeded, the allocation will succeed, but the Counter or List values will not be updated. If you want to ensure there is capacity available for the Allocation operation, see Allocation Filtering and Prioritisation below.

See the Allocation Reference for all the Allocation configuration options.

Kubernetes API

Counter values and capacities are stored on a GameServer resource instance under GameServer.Status.Counters by key, and GameServer.Status.Lists stores List value arrays and capacities by key as well. Therefore, they can be modified through the Kubernetes API either through Kubernetes client libraries or manually through kubectl edit.

Counter and List changes made through the GameServerAllocation functionality, will be eventually consistent in their availability via the SDK retrieval functions for performance reasons.

Check out the Access Agones via the Kubernetes API guide for a more in depth guide on how to interact with Agones resources through the Kubernetes API programmatically.

Allocation Filtering and Prioritisation

Counters and Lists can also be used as filtering properties when performing an allocation through either the GameServerAllocation.Spec.Selectors.Counts or GameServerAllocation.Spec.Selectors.Lists properties.

If we want to expand the above example to ensure there is always room for the room Counter increment and room for the player List to add player1, we can add the following to the GameServerAllocation specification:

kind: GameServerAllocation
    - matchLabels: simple-game-server
          minAvailable: 1
          minAvailable: 1
      action: Increment
      amount: 1
        - player1

Only GameServer instances that have a capacity value of at least one more than the Counter value, or List length will be included in the potential allocation result - thereby ensuring that both room and player operations will succeed, assuming a GameServer is found.

This can be combined with the ability to define multiple selectors to create quite sophisticated GameServer selection options that can attempt to find the most appropriate GameServer.

See the Allocation Reference for more details.

The priorities block also gives you options to prioritise specific GameServers over others when performing an Allocation, depending on the Allocation Strategy.

  • Packed: The usual infrastructure optimisation strategy still applies, but the priorities block is used as a tie-breaker within the least utilised infrastructure, to ensure optimal infrastructure usage while also allowing some custom prioritisation of GameServers.
  • Distributed: The entire selection of GameServers will be sorted by this priority list to provide the order that GameServers will be allocated by.

For example, if we wanted to select a GameServer that had:

  1. At least one room available in the GameServer capacity.
  2. First check Allocated GameServers and falling back to Ready GameServers if there aren’t any.
  3. Include general infrastructure optimisation for least usage.
  4. And also ensure the GameServers that were most full are allocated first (after infrastructure optimisations where applied).

We could implement the following GameServerAllocation:

kind: GameServerAllocation
  scheduling: Packed
  # Choose most full `GameServers` first
    - type: Counter
      key: rooms
      order: Ascending
    # First check to see if we can back-fill an already allocated `GameServer`
    - gameServerState: Allocated
      matchLabels: simple-game-server
          minAvailable: 1
    # If we can't, then go get a `Ready` `GameServer`.
    - gameServerState: Ready
      matchLabels: simple-game-server
          minAvailable: 1
      action: Increment
      amount: 1

For more details on how Agones implements infrastructure optimisation, see the documentation on Scheduling and Autoscaling.

Fleet Scale Down Prioritisation

Another optimisation control you can apply with Fleets when Agones’ scaled them down, is to also set priorities to influence the order in which GameServers are shutdown and deleted.

While neither players or rooms are particularly good examples for this functionality, if we wanted to ensure that Ready GameServers with the most available capacity rooms were a factor when scaling down a Fleet we could implement the following:

kind: Fleet
  name: simple-game-server
  replicas: 2
    - type: Counter
      key: rooms
      order: Descending
        - name: default
          containerPort: 7654
        rooms: # room counter
          count: 0
          capacity: 10
            - name: simple-game-server

Depending on the Fleet allocation strategy, the priorities block will influence scale down logic as follows:

  • Packed: The usual infrastructure optimisation strategy still applies, but the priorities block is used as a tie-breaker within the least utilised infrastructure, to ensure optimal infrastructure usage while also allowing some custom prioritisation of GameServers.
  • Distributed: The entire selection of GameServers will be sorted by this priority list to provide the order that GameServers will be scaled down by.

See Fleet Reference for all the configuration options.


Counters and Lists expands on Fleet Autoscaling capabilities, by allowing you to autoscale based on available capacity across the Fleet as a unit, rather than the less granular unit of individual GameServers instances.

This means, we can implement an Autoscaling strategy of “always make sure there are 5 free rooms available for new players at all times” like so:

kind: FleetAutoscaler
  name: simple-game-server
  fleetName: fleet-example
    type: Counter
      key: rooms
      bufferSize: 5
      maxCapacity: 100

See the Fleet Autoscaling Reference for all the configuration options.


Metrics are exported, using the key that the metric is stored under as a label on the metrics, in aggregate across all GameServers within a Fleet, exporting aggregate numeric totals for Counters and Lists as gauge metrics.

Name Description Type
agones_fleet_counters Aggregate Metrics for Counters within a Fleet, including total capacity and count values gauge
agones_fleet_lists Aggregate Metrics for Lists within a Fleet, including total capacity and List lengths gauge

See Metrics available for the full list of available metrics and how to use them.

Next Steps

Last modified October 9, 2024: Release 1.44.0 (#4013) (24c3673)